Signing and Closing
It's Time For Signing Paperwork and Getting Keys!!
This is the day you’ve been waiting for! You have done the final walk-through and now you are ready to sign the paperwork to finalize the real estate purchase and start moving. You will be contacted by either myself or the escrow agent to set up your signing appointment. Be sure you ask if there is any money that you need to bring in. If so, you will want to check with the escrow agent to see if they will accept a check, wire, or cashier’s check for those funds. Be sure you bring ID as well, as the paperwork will need to be notarized at closing
Here are some questions I hear from buyers at this point in the transaction:
1. Can I move my things in a little early? Maybe into the garage?
A: No; unfortunately, that isn’t a very good idea. There is way too much liability for both parties when the buyer moves in before closing. My best advice is to plan on not moving anything in until the transaction is final. I have seen terrible outcomes come from parties moving early. Luckily, none of my own clients have had these experiences because they have been educated about the risks, but there are plenty of stories from other Realtors to help you understand what can possibly happen in a short period of time.
2. When do I get the keys?
A: The best answer to this question can be found on your purchase agreement, which details when you are entitled to “possession”. This date and time is not necessarily going to be the same day that you sign the paperwork. There are still a few steps that need to occur before the property is transferred into your name and finalized. After you sign your paperwork, the escrow agent sends the documents back to your lender for a “final approval”. Once the lender gives the final approval on the signed documents, they will notify the escrow officer who will then take the documents to the court house for “recording”. At that moment, the property is officially transferred to the buyer. After that, keys will be given according to the agreed terms in your contract. If you have any questions about possession or keys, just call text or email me.
So, make the right move and call, text, or email me... Dani Carpenter, for more information about the closing process for buyers.