244 years ago today, the founders of our country signed the Declaration of Independence, which details our freedoms and upholds our core values. Although, the world is vastly different than it was back in 1776, we are still continuing to grow and evolve into a healthier society.
It is easy to think of the 4th day of July as a free day off from work, an excuse to take the boat out the lake, a time to enjoy backyard barbecues with families and friends, and a grand fireworks display to end the day. And with the way 2020 has gone thus far, maybe that isn't such a bad thought. However, amidst the festivities, we must keep in mind that there is a very specific reason why we have this holiday - Freedom. There is a history of those before us that have made sacrifices and paved the way so that we could enjoy the freedoms that we have and, sometimes, take for granted.
We can all agree that we live in challenging times, but it is important to remember that this is not our first rodeo. Our country had a turbulent beginning and we have faced many hardships along the way, but throughout history, Americans have always come together to overcome adversity and crisis. At times like these, we derive great strength upon what we hold in common – the values that laid the foundation for the vibrant, diverse, prosperous, and free society the United States has become.
Today, while we are running off to our various activities, take a moment to look at our beautiful American flag and reflect on all of the freedoms that we enjoy because it exists. I celebrate and honor ALL Americans, past and present, who have used their own freedoms to strive for what is right and to build a better tomorrow. Today, I wish you all a happy Independence Day.
When you are ready, I am always happy to help you make the right move. Call, text, or email me today!